Last week I had the privilege of spending a couple of days in Kolding, Denmark. I went with a small group from the Apostolic Church UK to a European gathering of leaders from around the European Apostolic Church. We flew from Stansted Airport into a snowy Billund Airport and very cold temperatures.
We had a really good time, fellowship was good and the time to be able to interact with other leaders was great.
However those who know me well know that I am not the most adventurous at exploring food that i am not accustomed to and so I wondered what will I eat while in Denmark? Our first meal was eaten out in a restaurant and the staff there were really good at explaining the Danish menus to us. I was with a guy from the UK and three from Hungary so a lot of re interpreting was taking place. I ended up with a . . . . . beef burger! But wow, I have never been presented with such a big beef burger and plate full of salad and chips.
Anyhow to get to the point of my blog. As we were having our meals back at the centre I discovered something on the menu which I thoroughly enjoyed! It was plain and simple bread! In fact to call it plain and simple bread is not really fair, it was absolutely beautiful home made bread and I couldn’t eat enough of it. I am not a big bread eater but over the couple of days we were there I ate more bread than I would probably eat in a month!
As I have pondered over this it has reminded me of the Lord Jesus Christ, in John’s gospel Jesus said that he was the Bread of life, he had come down from heaven to be the life giver, not just standard natural, normal life but eternal, abundant spiritual life. And to receive this life we need to receive Jesus the Bread of life. I received Jesus over 40 years ago, and since then I have been receiving from him, but in comparing Jesus to the bread in Denmark I need to ask myself do I hunger after him, long for him and enjoy his presence in my life as much as I loved the bread in Denmark. In fact far much more than I loved the bread in Denmark.
But, what about you? have you come to know Jesus the Bread of Life? Are you hungering after spiritual satisfaction, and as you hunger maybe you are trying out all kinds of different spiritual experiences. If so you will never know your spiritual hunger being satisfied until you have come to the Bread of life, to Jesus the only one who can truly satisfy your spiritual hunger. See, Jesus as the Bread of Life came down to earth from God, there has never been anyone else sent from God to meet the needs of humanity, he alone is the one who can give eternal life, he alone is the one who can satisfy you spiritually, he alone is the one who can bring you access into the presence of God.

Bread – we need it in the natural to help sustain our physical lives, Jesus the Bread of life – you need him, I need him to sustain our spiritual lives. Please ponder these thoughts and examine your own life and if you have never come to receive Jesus please take the time to find someone from an evangelical Churchwho can help you with these things. How about taking up a Bible and reading John’s gospel in the new testament, find out more about Jesus the Bread of life.

Ready to tuck into my Burger and Chips


The Apostolic Bible College, Kolding, Denmark


The Apostolic Bible College, Kolding, Denmark