Just been out for a walk along the beach here in Rhyl and watched the setting sun.

The Sunset in Rhyl, April 16th 2010

David the Psalmist reminds us ‘From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised!’ (Psalm 113:3 ESV) Whenever I see the beauty of the rising and setting sun it reminds me of how great the Creator is, he is worthy of our praise.

David also says in Psalm 14:1 ‘The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” When I see the sunset and consider all that there is in the world that is full of such beauty – flowers, the delicate colourful wings of a butterfly, the birds, the rolling hills etc I can never understand how anyone can say there is no God. It cannot have come about by chance, or by some big bang there must be someone bigger, greater and amazing who has designed and planned it all and I’m glad that my faith is such that I believe that  ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’