Well that’s it again for another year, the Snooker World Championships are over and we have a new Champion – the first ever from Australia, Neil Robertson. Well done to him for his success and also well done to Graeme Dott for battling through and getting into the final. It was also good to see Steve Davis doing well this year, I hope he returns again next year. Been a good two weeks of snooker albeit saddened by allegations of John Higgins alleged involvement in a plan to fix future matches. Lets hope the allegations turn out to be unfounded.

Is this going to be a week of new things? New Champion, New Prime Minister, New Government – we will soon know as the election is only a couple of days away. Whatever the outcome later this week let’s all make each day a new day in which we can all make a fresh start, putting right any wrongs we may have done, doing those things we should have done and didn’t and if you are reading this and know that you have never made the choice to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, how about having the new start in life that he is making available to you. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! Jesus said that he had come to give life, life in all it’s fulness and he offers it freely to every one of us. Putting our faith and trust in Jesus means that the past is dealt with, our sin is dealt with and he gives us a fresh, brand new start. Neil Robertson is the new champion of the world as far as snooker is concerned, but as far as sin and salvation is concerned, Jesus is the champion. When he went to the cross he won the battle over sin and the devil, and he wants to be the champion in the lives of all who will gladly respond and accept what he has done for them. He’s my Champion! Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father, make him your Champion and Lord by trusting in Him.