Well I can’t really let today pass by without a comment in my blog about the Election here in the UK.

I watched the results coming in till about 3:30am and then thought I had better switch off!  I am not surprised it is a hung Parliament but am disappointed that it is. Looking at the results and this is an observation rather than a political view I think that Gordon Brown should stand down, he has never been voted in as a PM and the results this time around didn’t vote him in either. The system seems all wrong when the Party that receives the most votes (over 2 million more than second place party) is not automatically in place as the ruling party. What a crazy system, also how can we in a modern world not cope with the last-minute rush for people to get to the polling stations to vote. Or perhaps looking at it from another point of view, how come so many left it so late to vote when the polling stations had been open from 7 in the morning – instead of complaining perhaps they should have gone earlier!

We will wait and see what the next couple of days bring – who will form a pact with who and then see who falls out with who a few weeks later. Then we will get ready for the next election, which may not be too far away.