Last night I had to go to Birmingham Airport to pick up my daughter who was returning from a week long mission trip to Romania. Because I had been visiting in Wrexham beforehand I decided to continue onto the airport to save on mileage. This meant that I arrived early and not willing to pay the rip off car park charges I decided to find somewhere else for a hour or two. I ended up in a village a couple of miles away parked next to the village Church. While waiting the security light on the Church wall came on and I assumed that someone may have been wondering what this car was doing parked up by the Church and was checking me out but I didn’t see anyone. Suddenly I saw something move and a fox jumped up onto the Church wall and stared at me for a few seconds and then jumped down, ran across the front of the car into the field the other side.  I see a little lesson here for those of us who are Christians – we may feel we are safe being in the Church or a part of the Church but we need to look out, beware, be careful because the devil is sly like a fox and we don’t know when he is intending to jump up and try to suprise us or try to catch us out.

Peter in his epistle refers to the devil as going about like a roaring lion, we need to watch out for him and resist him, other times he will come at us like a sly old fox, we need to be firm in our faith so that when he turns up we can resist him and stand strong in the power of the Holy Spirit.